Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Review: Halo 2 (for xbox, not the sissy windows vista version)

So you might have noticed that I'm only reviewing the Xbox version of Halo 2, and not the Vista version. This is because I don't own the Vista version because I'M NOT A SUCKER!!! Hello, Microsoft, I already own Halo 2. I've owned it for like a bazillion years on my XBOX. Why would I spend over a hundred bucks upgrading my computer to windows Vista just so I can play an old game? Yeah, I didn't think so Mr. Bill Gates ESQUIRE!!!

I actually don't have any beef with the computer version of the game. I mean, if someone doesn't want an XBox or prefers playing FPS games with their keyboard/mouse, cool for him I guess. My beef is with Microsoft for waiting forever to release a computer version of this game, only to require people to upgrade to Windows Vista before they can play it. That's bull!

Graphics: 10/10
This game rocks the house. It was made for the original XBox and it still beats every game EVER made for the PS3 and Wii combined! There aren't alot of fancy pants light bloom effects or billion-polygon trees or anything, but that's because ITS A FUTURE GAME AND YOU SHOOT PEOPLE IN OUTER SPACE!!!! If the game were about elf nerd tree-humpers (like my brother), I'd gripe about the graphics. But it isn't!!

Sound: 10/10
The music is . . . wait, is there music? I don't even know, I usually turn the sound down so I can make fun of the noobs on xbox live better with my headset! There is no better sound than homo noob geek nerds crying because you've just sniped them in the face!

Gameplay: 10/10
This is the best FPS game (FPS stands for "Fraggin' Pathetic Sadsacks") ever! The controls are perfect. Frag tagging, jumping, strafing, its all here baby!!!

Overall: 10/10 (perfect!!!)
This is one of the best games ever. Ok, now I'm tired of blogging. I need to go play halo 2!!!!

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